Save time, assure quality: Digital job cards offer a big time and cost saving advantage in day-to-day welding management operations.
A Near Frequency Communication (NFC) card operates like a PayWave card. Hold the card up to the machine and start welding. Packed with cutting-edge NFC radio technology, the job cards devised by Lorch allow the welder not only to quickly enter the welding parameters he needs, but also offer an entirely new and efficient approach to quality control.
Lorch offers a booklet made up of a card set that contains the most essential welding parameters for the 23 welding requirements most frequently encountered by welders. Standardised technology is applied to transfer the parameters to the welding machine.
When combined with rights management, the cards also serve as a tool that helps assure the quality of the welding process: Once the job parameters have been downloaded to his machine, the welder will only be able to weld within the tolerance limits specified by the standard.
In the past, setting the exact welding parameters was a time-consuming process that involved a good portion of uncertainty. Today, Lorch‘s set of job cards provides a simple and innovative way to define the proper settings – an incalculable advantage in today’s production cycles where time is of the essence and perfectly reliable quality control is imperative.
When used in combination with user rights management, the job cards not only serve as a quick and easy adjustment tool but assure comprehensive quality control as well. Stored on the rights management card (welder or administrator) are, for instance, tolerance limits within which the welder is permitted to operate as stipulated by the individual standards. The settings are enabled as soon as the user logs on at the welding machine. Users use the same straightforward NFC technology to log on as they do with the job cards.
The combination of these cards ensures that the welders can complete their welding jobs only as specified by the pre-defined settings and only if operating within the permissible tolerance limits. Result: When used in combination with rights management cards, the job cards guarantee flawless quality control that is 100 per cent reliable.
The job cards are suitable for use on all MicorMIG machines that are equipped with a digital control including BasicPlus or ControlPro operating panel and that have been upgraded to the “NFC-Job Read” feature. As they embrace Lorch’s innovative new operating concept, all machines included in the MIG-MAG series are suitable for use with Lorch’s job management cards. This makes it possible to use job management not only to control basic welding processes but Speed processes as well.
Apart from offering a host of existing welding jobs, the card booklet also allows users to effortlessly create welding jobs that suit their individual requirements. The cards LORCH offers for this purpose are available in sets of 10 and 25. Storing customised jobs on the cards requires the feature NFC-Job Write and the ControlPro operating panel. Users of the BasicPlus version can upgrade to this more advanced option without a problem. Thanks to Lorch’s innovative operating concept, upgrading any MicorMIG system now and in the future is as easy as can be.