Hot Crack: How it occurs and how it can be prevented
Hot crack can be defined as cracking formed at high temperatures near the solidus of the metal, where the metal has coherence but is completely brittle.
Hot crack can be defined as cracking formed at high temperatures near the solidus of the metal, where the metal has coherence but is completely brittle.
Hydrogen cracking can occur when welding carbon and low-alloy steels. The potential for hydrogen cracking in the weld metal and HAZ depends on their composition.
What advantages are there in downhill welding and how should it be used, compared with uphill welding in GMAW and FCAW?
The strength of a fillet weld is based, in the design, on the design of the throat thickness and effective weld length.
How cold cracks occur and how they can be prevented: Cold cracks can occur in both butt welds and fillet welds; however, this article will focus on those occurring in fillet welds.
If you are MIG welding, it is well worth considering the use of a metal-cored wire (MCW) rather than a solid wire or standard flux cored wire to reduce the risk of weld defects.
Weld defects can occur in the best of workshops and invariably lead to higher costs due to re-work and downtime. One typical defect we have seen examples of recently is incomplete fusion.
We have seen several instances of cold cracking in welds when visiting customers. The standard of welding work and adherence to correct procedure was not an issue, so the question was why it occurred and what can be done to avoid a repetition.
The biggest gains for your business can be made by improving welding operator efficiency to reduce your single biggest cost - labour.
The quickest change you can make to your supply chain efficiency is to take time regularly to look at the work ahead and plan for your wire and consumable use well before you need it.