Welding Engineers NZ Ltd stock a range of reliable, good quality welding helmets to suit heavy duty professional use right through to occasional DIY. Choosing the right welding helmet for all-round protection requires some thought, such as how much and what type of welding you do? Does the welding helmet also need to provide protection when grinding or cutting? What level/s of shade protection would be best for your eyes?
What about welding fumes?
ALL welding fume is now internationally classified as carcinogenic to humans (having a recognised risk of causing cancer) and the legislated standards of welding fume exposure levels are changing to reflect this. In NZ, WorkSafe have been prioritising assessment of, and worker protection from, welding fumes in workshops and job sites for some time now.
The best level of personal respiratory equipment is a Powered Air Purifying Respirator which attaches to a fully enclosed helmet. These work by cleaning air to remove particulate matter and chemicals and pushing the clean, cool air into the welding face cover.
Welding helmets can affect comfort on the job, overall productivity and the quality of work. Most important of all, the choice of helmet will make a significant difference to the long term health of you or your employees – so think hard.