If you’re looking for insightful and actionable welding information and advice tailored for New Zealand conditions, you’re in the right place.
More than merely a supplier of quality welding gear; we’re a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals committed working together with our customers to collectively raise the bar in our industry.
That’s why we’re keen to share these insights with you. Through these posts, we cover topics from selecting the right welding wire, to preventing common issues such as cracking, to tackling the broader challenges of the welding industry. We keep our finger on the pulse of global trends, ensuring we bring you relevant knowledge that can help refine and improve your welding practices.
Regardless of whether you’ve been in the industry for decades or you’re just striking your first arc, our content is designed to be both informative and actionable. We believe in offering knowledge that’s not just theoretical, but practical and immediately useful.
Got a welding challenge? If you’re like us and are keen to push the boundaries of welding excellence and efficiency, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the approachable team at Welding Engineers.